Biking, now with Electricity!

Pedaling along on what turned out to be a 23 mile round trip to go to Hackney’s on Harms for lunch. I kept the bike on manual most of the way there, and gave in and set it for low power pedal assist on the way back. Along the way, many of our trail friends, like this little buck, showed up to watch us go past.

Categorized as Biking Tagged

We have a staircase!

Going down the old stairs (the original attic stairs, from 1928) was like throwing yourself down a dark chute. Now we can descend, elegantly.


Happy #Caturday

Categorized as kittens

Life in the big city

I love this neighborhood. Surrounded by busy commercial streets, but built to respect the nearby river. Today, on our afternoon constitutional, right at the end of the block….

Categorized as Just Sayin'

Cat in the Ceiling

Tony loves his hiding places, even if he has to leap into the ceiling.

Categorized as kittens