We have a staircase!

Going down the old stairs (the original attic stairs, from 1928) was like throwing yourself down a dark chute. Now we can descend, elegantly.

Life in the big city

I love this neighborhood. Surrounded by busy commercial streets, but built to respect the nearby river. Today, on our afternoon constitutional, right at the end of the block….

Categorized as Just Sayin'

Whatever happened to the Laserjet Journal?

There was a time when there was one and I was an expert!

It’s been a long time trying to remember his name… Now a shout out to Scott Wald!  I remember when he was a young guy working for HP and starting up ASAP Software Express.

Apparently, you can still download the software.

The whole gamut

It turns out gamut is a medieval musical term.  Language! What can you say?